Cultivate The Habit OF Being Grateful

Why should you start a gratitude journal?

Practicing gratitude allows our brains to release serotonin and dopamine—two “feel good” chemicals that positively impact mood, willpower, and motivation. But what’s not as well known is regularly engaging in a gratitude practice strengthens these neural pathways. Over time, practicing gratitude will “train” your brain to focus on what’s going well versus what isn’t. And that leads to all sorts of positive outcomes—mental and physical.

Getting started is easy. Write down up to three things for which you feel grateful. The physical record is important—don’t just do this exercise in your head. You can write it on paper, or digitally using a note taking app. One of our favorite is Notion, a notetaking software platform that is used not only for note-taking, but also used for task management, project management, and knowledge management.

You can find out more about it and download it here:[]Best of all it’s FREE.